We aim to be a church at the centre of the community, with weekly groups and special events.
In addition to our weekly services, we offer regular community activities and special events.
Weekly Activities
Humpty Dumpty Club
Wednesdays 9.00-11.15am
Group activities for toddlers and babies and their carers. Tea, coffee, juice and toast are free, but donations are always welcome.
Boys’ Brigade
Wednesdays in Ackworth
Some of our congregation are involved with 1st Ackworth Boys’ Brigade, which meets on Wednesdays at Ackworth Methodist Church.
Call Colin on 07960 038024 for details
Charity Coffee Mornings
Last Saturday of the month
Our coffee mornings raise money for community groups and charities. We serve fresh tea, coffee and homemade cake.
Al-Anon family groups are there for anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else’s drinking. You’re not alone.
Call Peter on 07717 888116 for details
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
Wednesdays during term time
Rainbows meet from 5.30-6.30pm, Brownies meet from 6.15-7.30pm and Guides meet from 7.30-7.45pm on Wednesdays in term time.
Call Deb on 01977 644843 for details
Messy Church
Sundays and Tuesdays
Occasional Messy Church meetings. A fun and creative way to worship and learn for the whole family, with crafts activities.